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نتيجة بحث الصور عن الشبوك

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Warriors coach Steve Kerr said the biggest difference he sees in the Cavs from the past two seasons (and two Finals matchups) is the absence of Matthew Dellavedova.

Kerr's study of the Cavs sounds right, as Cleveland coach Tyronn Lue, general manager David Griffin, and just about anyone else you talk to in the organization identifies backup point guard as the hole on this team

"Dellavedova's absence jumps out," Kerr said, before the Cavs and Warriors were to meet on Christmas Day for the renewal of their rivalry. "I think he's been a big part of their team in the last couple years, so it's a different look.".

Dellavedova left the Cavs for a four-year, $39 million contract with the Milwaukee Bucks. Cleveland has not been able to replace him. Mo Williams was supposed to fill the role, but chose not to play this season at the start of training camp. Williams playing over Dellavedova toward the end of the Finals, but Delly was the Cavs' sixth man all season.

Iman Shumpert, a shooting guard by trade, is taking those minutes behind Kyrie Irving.

The Cavs have additional issues now because of injuries. J.R. Smith (thumb) could miss three months and the team is down to three post players because of Chris Andersen's torn ACL. Cleveland heads into this game 22-6 and first in the East, so, Kerr said "apparently not" when asked if he felt Dellavedova's absence has hurt them.

"I think it jumps out on tape," Kerr said. "They look different, but they're so talented that they've made up for it. You could say the same thing about us."

The Warriors, at 27-4, lost starters Andrew Bogut and Harrison Barnes from their past two Finals teams. Of course, they added Kevin Durant. So it's not quite the same.

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