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These Renton Stores Are Open On Christmas Day 2016

Will Target be open on {christmas day|Christmas|Christmas Day|Xmas|Dec 25|legal holiday|national holiday|holy day of obligation|quarter day|feast day|fete day} in 2016?

With {christmas day|Christmas|Christmas Day|Xmas|Dec 25|legal holiday|national holiday|holy day of obligation|quarter day|feast day|fete day} falling on a Sunday in 2016, {many|several} stores hours {are|ar|area unit|square measure} being affected. Even those stores {that might|which may|that may} {have been|are} open on Christmas in years past {are|ar|area unit|square measure} {now|currently} closing for {the full|the complete|the total} day. {one of|one among|one in all|one amongst|one in every of} those stores is Target. {the popular|the favored|the popular} {retail store|mercantile establishment|sales outlet|outlet|place of business|business establishment} {will be|are going to be|are} closed all day on Christmas, {though|although|tho'} most stores {will be|are going to be|are} open {until|till} 11:00 p.m. ET on Saturday. Regular store hours will continue on Monday Dec. 26.

If you need to get some last minute shopping done, the retail store will have its usual hours on Christmas Eve. So if you need to get some last minute shopping done, Target might be your best bet. While Walmart is closing early on Christmas Eve, its main competitor is remaining open until an hour before Christmas technically begins.

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