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Will Drake and J.Lo Save 2016 By Becoming the Year’s Best New Power Couple?

2016 has been a rough year for celebrity couples. With all the broken engagements and high-profile splits,
 the possibilities for lasting romance between 2 superstars appears slim—yet we tend to can’t facilitate however root for the newest reported pair: Jennifer Lopez and Drake.
(Drae-Lo!) The multi-talented couple appears to be defrayal an excellent deal of your time together; photographed smiling backstage once one in all Lopez’s performances at The Axis in Las Vegas;
 sharing Associate in Nursing intimate dinner at West Hollywood hotspot,
 Delilah; and collaborating on a forthcoming musical project, they actually appear to be enjoying every other’s company. Plus, each stars ar presently single
 (Lopez ditched former backup dancer metropolis good earlier this year, and Drake remains a perma-bachelor despite persistent speculation regarding his relationship with Rihanna).

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